S5L8700 datasheet

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Revision as of 23:37, 26 March 2009 by (talk)
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The datasheet for the S5L8700X series can be downloaded here, but I (cmwslw) will try to get it hosted on my site soon. It matches the official Samsung 8700 info page. The datasheet describes every pin (page 1-5) and instruction (page 3-1) in detail. The pin locations described in the datasheet are not the actual locations for the 232-pin FBGA version. The FBGA version pin locations can be found here, respectively. We need someone to lift the processor off the board to verify the pin layout and examine the traces below the chip. Perhaps we could use the 2G tof used when he extracted the utility flash? We could use the datasheet to find the locations of the JTAG pins, but finding where the traces go would be very challenging and require a high-res X-ray of the board. If we could use the datasheet to find a way of reading the 50KB embedded ROM, we would be able to figure out how the firmware is decrypted.

Edit: It has been confirmed that the package is actually a 226-pin FBGA instead of a 232-pin one. Because of this, we do not know the pin layout, and the JTAG pins might have been taken out. A poster on the thread previously confirmed this in his drawing of the Nano 2G's processor.

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